The Belgium Waitress

Jake Bond
3 min readFeb 4, 2022

The Belgium brawler ran through the cobbled streets. A man shuffles out the way anticipating which way the crazy eyed man was running. The brawler notices this and heads directly for him. He throws his beer up into the air as the brawler swiftly makes haste for the squares exit. As if a whole 10 minutes go by as everyone watches in awe. Mouths open, sea pistachio left uncracked and the local thief’s attention discarded of the nearby vulnerable goer. Finally the beer wrote its course. A young blonde female holding 2 trays of large beers, there could have been at least 8 there but the thick glass left riddles on the eyes. The 7.8 Bier made a connection drenching the young lady from head to toe and splashing plentiful of the beer on to the cobbled laid streets. The man whom had just been doing the shuffling stood firmly with his hands at his sides and a completely empty glass. As if the man were pretending to be not the culprit of this moisture affair. The Blonde waitress, still armed with a heavy load, raises her head after looking down at her drenched uniform and focuses her eyes on this shuffling man. His eyes open wide and begins scanning all around as if looking for some help from a nearby Belgium Baptist. His Lip begins to twitch causes a jittering of the moustache as if even his hair on his face wanted to run from this engagement. The blondes arms start to shake with Anger, her top lips begins to raise on the left side. “SCHEISSE!” She begins to run towards the empty glassed man. Now, this waitress has worked here for years. The skill of the tray is at one with her. so much so that gravity appears to have lost all its bearings when the blonde is at the helm. She raise her knees and slopes her back in an intense running stance. The waitress slips. Her new shoes which her grand mother bought her just two days earlier slips on the High volume alcohol drenched streets. The beers fly into the air creating a moist brown haze. The candle lights create a warm glow to the outsides of the alcohol in the air. The spotlights from the inside of the restaurant polarize the alcohol which leaves rainbows for the bar attendees. The Moustached man see’s his opportunity in the beauty of the beer and makes a vigorous depart for the squares exit; all before the beer has said bonjour to the pavement. The girl finally hits the stones of the streets. she watches as the beer falls onto her already drenched body. Her life flashing parts of her life that made her happy, Her birthday when she was 12 and her Grandmother said that she could be a dancer at the La Monnaie. The Last day she saw her dad and didn’t say I love you back before the accident on the building site. The day she met Francois and they shared a bagel because the bakery only had one left to sell on that cold November day. The First droplets touch the skin of her cheeks and a single tear elopes out her shimmering eyes. She closes them awaiting the nightmare and to fully embrace the memory of playing Cluedo, Christmas 2007, with her whole family. This was before everyone began to head in their own direction in life and her parents were still together and happy. She remembers winning and everyone laughing and singing. Port stains on the living room table, so much chocolate that it made you sick and whatever we wanted to watch on tv.

Silence fell upon the Belgium streets that night as the girl was left with her magnificent thoughts and flows of remittance.

Waitress 1995–2022

